Charles K Gardin Jr.

Charles K Gardin Jr.

Mr. Gardin is a Christ-loving, 59 years young 28-year Air Force veteran twice-born 22 August 2003.

All he is centers on God Almighty, his spirit-filled TWC church, and his Imago Dei Christ Image Bearers. Mr. Gardin listens to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and shares the gospel to all who will listen … and to some who will not. The mission field is just outside his front door, and he firmly believes that Christ has granted him a special spiritual gift to use for His glory. To (1) build up believers; (2) witness/minister to a fallen world; (3) make disciples; (4) love God & my neighbors. “Dying for me was the most Christ could do; living for Him is the least I can do!” He intends to do that as long as Abba Father gifts me His precious breath to breathe!